Sunday, December 16, 2007

A change is gonna come

Today, I found myself in the pre-holiday funk. No holiday parties in my future, no special someone to spend New Years with...OK, I'll stop before I bring you down, too.

I decided that since the temperatures finally dropped below balmy, I'd make some comfort food. Chicken and dumplings and cornbread. Nothing better on a cold day - and by "cold," I mean 40s. So, I braved the hordes at the grocery store on a Sunday to get all the necessary ingredients and brought home my bounty.

Off and on through the afternoon, I had a recurring thought that my favorite yoga instructor was teaching a class at the gym this evening. As the time approached to either start the chicken or go to yoga, I surprised myself by thinking, "I really think yoga will make me feel better." And, I believe I was right. I even managed to sustain a crow pose for longer than 10 seconds.

Strange how changes sneak up on you. But, I'm still making chicken and dumplings tomorrow - so I can have it when I come home from yoga.

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