Friday, February 8, 2008

Black History Month

After two weeks of bad luck and overwhelming amounts of work, I finally made it to the grocery store. I had to go, I was out of coffee. Coffee and half and half are the only two non-negotiables in my life. If they run low, I'm off to the store, I do not pass go, I do not collect $200.

While I was wandering around looking for "hot pepper oil," I heard an annoucement on the store PA. Seems Kroger is celebrating Black History Month and they want everyone to know it. They appreciate and celebrate African Americans as a source of creativity and something else that I didn't catch. The announcement continued with phrases that had obviously been vetted through at least 30 focus groups to make sure they didn't say anything remotely offensive, or meaningful. The announcement ended with, "At Kroger, we're proud to do our part to celebrate Black History Month."

My first thought was, "I wonder what 'their part' is." Then, I got my answer. "So many nights, I sit by my window, waiting for someone to sing me his song...So many dreams, I kept deep inside me...alone in the dark...but now you've come along..." That's right, Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life" came blaring from the PA system. Seems Kroger is celebrating Black History Month by playing the whitest music they can find. Interesting approach.

I never found hot pepper oil. I need it for a new stir fry recipe. I'm blaming Debbie Boone. I'm also still singing "You Light Up My Life." Happy Black History Month, from your friends at Kroger.

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