Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday

Well, Super Tuesday has come and gone. The morning paper tells me that Barack Obama won my state. Approximately half of the voters in my town cast ballots for him. I was not one of them. Apparently, I'm not as hegemonic as I think I am.

According to today's paper: "Driven in part by strong support in Clarke County, Barack Obama ran away in the Georgia's Democratic presidential primary Tuesday." Gotta love local coverage. Wonder if Obama is still running. Did he cry, "Run away! Run away!" like the knights in Quest for the Holy Grail?

I talked briefly about the election in my classes yesterday. One student remarked that candidates who had dropped out of the race still appeared on the ballot. I said, "I know, John Edwards was still on the ballot." The student replied, "I voted on the Republican ticket and Giuliani was still there." Until he said that, I'd completely forgotten that I'm in a red state now. A very red state. A state that's so red, Mike Huckabee won here. If Huckabee wins the national election, I'm planning to evolve into another species, just to prove him wrong. Then, I'm moving to Canada.

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