Friday, July 11, 2008

Squash, Part Deux

Things have been pretty slow this week. I've worked on my class syllabus, trying to figure out how to teach all of US History in one semester. It's not easy, but I think I've finally got a handle on it.

This evening, I decided to take a break and write another blog entry. I thought I'd give an update on the squash count. Hey, I said that it's been a slow week. It all started innocently enough. I'd simply give a count: this many yellow, this many zucchini.

Then, I remembered that I have a digital camera. I could take pictures of the squash. Yes! What a great way to practice with my camera - and a great way for a single gal to spend a Friday evening.

Like I said, it started innocently enough.

Just a simple picture of all of the remaining squash, neatly arranged by size and color.

Bolstered by my success, I decided to get fancy.

Squash Still Life. Van Gogh, eat your heart out, or eat your other ear off.

And . . . Still Life - Yellow.

Then, well, things got a little weird.


I call this one, "Peace Offering."

And, finally . . .


Now, before you say anything, let me just answer the question in your head: One glass of red wine with dinner.

Next weekend, I'm getting together with my college friends. It really doesn't matter what we do. It has to be more exciting than photographing squash.


Amanda said...

You are losing your mind. rofl

mplasticus said...

well Heg, it is clear that you've missed your true calling. There's still time for a career change.

and your Friday night was waaaaay more exciting than mine.

what happens when you have TWO glasses of wine with dinner?