Friday, July 20, 2007

Ant Protests

This morning, in my research, I came across a typo in the May 14, 1960 issue of the Savannah Tribune. On the front page, there's an article about the mayor's quasi-legal city ordinance directed at black protesters. The headline announces: "Ant-Picketing Law Passed By City Council."

I'm not really sure how to work ant discrimination into my work. I'll have to look for more city government efforts to squash the ant protest. One thing's for sure, the ants had straight picket lines. Maybe if the ants had formed an effective coalition with other insects, they could have achieved their objectives - whatever those were. Eating at lunch counters? Building homes in any neighborhood they chose? Ending ant-ist stereotypes - as in "he's got ants in his pants"? Freedom of assembly - especially at picnics?

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