Tuesday, October 28, 2008


No, I'm not distracted these days. Just because I tried to pour coffee beans into the dishwasher yesterday doesn't mean anything. Nor does the fact that I've left the house twice with my fly open in the past week. At least I caught the problem in the car this morning. Earlier in the week, I made it all the way to my hair appointment before I realized that my zipper was not secured. Thankfully, it was cold enough for a jacket so no one knew of my faux pas.

I really don't know why I'm being so flighty. I'm not any more stressed than usual, I don't think. Maybe I've just reached a saturation point and my brain can't handle small details like coffee beans don't belong in the dishwasher. Anyway, I'll be sure to keep you posted.


jordi said...

Smile.. it is snowing in Binghamton... things could be worse

mplasticus said...

I've become ridiculously clumsy and forgetful. I haven't tried to put coffee beans in the dishwasher, but I suspect that is only because I don't have a dishwasher. I came very close to pouring orange juice in the coffee maker. I blame stress. And students.