Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fall is in the Air

In recent days, I've noticed several signs that change is in the air. Last week, temperatures finally dropped below "unbearable," signaling an end to our long summer nightmare. Summer won't actually end for another two months, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

All around town, people are on the move. U-Hauls and overloaded SUVs and minivans abound as students and parents make their annual fall pilgrimage. There's traffic once again. And Target is a-buzz, from young children demanding the perfect notebook and lunchbox to college students and parents buying just the right comforter and as many pressboard, do-it-yourself bookcases as they can fit in aforementioned SUVs and minivans. The grocery store will be next. In coming weeks, when the food from home runs out, college students will exercise their newfound freedom of choice and purchase cart-fulls of candy, sodas, and cookies.

After a too-short summer break, I'm also riding the wave of school readiness. Today, I'm heading to what I hope will be the last orientation session at Big City University. Yesterday, I made final adjustments to my syllabus, dusted off my bookbag, gathered my books, took stock of my wardrobe (including the comfortable yet still stylish shoes), and bought a new lunchbox. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Bring it on!

1 comment:

jordi said...

PLEASE tell me that your lunchbox was one with the Simpsons on it....I can't tell from the picture.. BUT, I AM glad to see pictures!